Privacy Policy for The Friends Websites and Services

Why a Privacy Policy? 

The Friends’ Privacy Policy aims to inform you about the data we collect through the  website and our associated services, how we use this data, and your rights  concerning its processing. All our actions comply with data protection regulations. 

Who is our Data Protection Policy for? 

This policy applies to: 

  • All our current and former customers; 
  • Prospective clients interested in our services; 
  • Visitors to our website. 

Who Processes Your Data? 

Your data is collected and processed by INSIDEWEB SRL, whose registered oLice is in  Brussels, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0895 799  750. 

To optimize training and service management, The Friends and INSIDEWEB SRL  collaborate closely and share certain customer databases for purposes related to  training, services, and newsletters. 

What Types of Data Do We Collect and for What Purposes? 

Newsletter Subscription 

We collect your email address to send newsletters. You can unsubscribe or update your  information at any time via the links in our communications or by contacting us directly.  Inactive or incorrect addresses may be deleted. 

Browsing Data 

We use cookies and tools such as Google Analytics to collect information about your  visits to improve our services and measure our website’s eLectiveness. You can  configure your browser to block cookies if you wish. 

Processing Your Data for Personalization and Promotion 

When we use your data to better understand your browsing preferences or the  information you view on our site, we consider it important to understand your needs and  promote our activities by targeting people who may be interested in our oLers. We rely 

on our legitimate interest to process your data, considering that this involves data  generated through our promotional and informational tools. This data is strictly used to  assess and promote our services and is not shared or used for other purposes. 

Retention of Your Data 

Your personal data is kept for a maximum of three years from your subscription or  aLiliation request or for the duration of a contract if one is in place. 

If the relationship is solely linked to commercial prospecting or newsletter subscription,  the data is kept until you request to unsubscribe, provided no contract or ongoing  dispute exists. 

Storage and Service Providers Involved in Data Processing 

We use specialized partners for hosting our IT system, ensuring that your data is stored  within the European Union. 

Additionally, we use services from Google Inc. via Google Analytics to analyze website  visits and tools like ClickDimensions, Microsoft CRM, MailChimp, etc., to collect your  data and send our mailings. 

For more information on data processing related to Google Analytics, refer to their  privacy policy here. 

Data Confidentiality in the Recruitment Process 

As part of its recruitment activities, The Friends collects and processes candidates’  personal data to evaluate applications and manage the selection process. These data  are processed in compliance with data protection regulations. 

What Data Do We Collect? 

The data collected during the recruitment process include: 

  • Personal information: name, surname, contact details, date of birth, address, etc.
  • Professional data: curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter, diplomas, certifications,  professional experiences, skills, etc. 
  • Other information: aptitude tests or possible evaluations, professional references, and  any voluntarily provided information. 

Purpose of Processing 

The collected data are used exclusively to: 

  • Analyze and evaluate applications concerning the available position;
  • Organize interviews; 
  • Verify references or qualifications as part of good recruitment practices;
  • Communicate with candidates regarding their applications. 

Data Retention 

  • Data of unsuccessful candidates: retained for a maximum of two years after the  recruitment process ends unless the candidate requests otherwise. This allows The  Friends to recontact potentially suitable candidates for future opportunities.
  • Data of successful candidates: integrated into employee administrative records and  subject to applicable HR retention regulations. 

Confidentiality and Security 

  • Candidates’ data are accessible only to those involved in the recruitment process (HR  team and relevant supervisors). 
  • Data are stored on secure servers within the European Union. 
  • No data is shared with third parties without prior candidate consent unless required by  law. 

Your Data Protection Rights 

Under applicable law, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • Access: Right to request a copy of the processed data. 
  • Correction: Right to correct inaccurate or outdated information. 
  • Deletion: Right to request data deletion unless retention is legally required.
  • Objection: Right to object to certain data processing, particularly for marketing or  profiling purposes, by informing us of your preference (see “What Types of Data Do We  Collect and for What Purposes?”). 
  • Portability: Right to data portability, allowing you to retrieve your personal data in a  structured electronic format for transfer to other services or providers. 

How to Exercise Your Rights? 

To exercise your rights or for any questions regarding data protection, you can contact  our Data Protection OLicer by email at or by phone at (+32 2 657 90  70) from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. 

You may also contact the National Data Protection Authority. 

If there is non-compliance with regulations or violations of your rights, you have the  option to take legal action or contact the National Data Protection Authority.